September 15, 2008

Sharing Illness and Disasterous Haircuts

Dear Madness,

thanks for keeping your tantrums to a minimum while Mummy shares your cold. I really appreciate it.

Your efforts of manipulation are also to be applauded! The fact that you've grasped the concept that if Mama says "no", there is a chance that Papa will say "yes" if he didn't hear the previous conversation has begun a lot earlier than either of your parents were expecting. Highly commendable.

You sure do know how to keep your parents on their toes!

Also, I would like to apologise for the last time I tried to cut your hair. I fear my attempts quite made you resemble a demented Beatle (of the John, Paul, Ringo and George variety) whose haridresser loves, loves him not.

You'll especially hate this -- and some frolicking naked photos we took in Oma's garden -- during the slide show I already have planned for your 21st birthday.

Much love,

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