July 2, 2008

Miscellaneous Musings of a Mad Mother

Dear Life,

please get out of my way! You've become a real pest lately, making me run here, there and everywhere and really you just need to back off, okay? Okay.


Dear Madness,

it's very cute that you can sing "opera" and do "ballet". Both are very cultured of you. Now if we could just keep your hand out of the poo while I'm changing your nappy, we'll be all set. Also, your addiction to chocolate may cause you problems down the line (just ask your mother!) so it's best we try and nip that one in the bud. There is now no chocolate in the house and it's because your mother loves you.

Lots and lots of love,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I want to hear a sound clip of his opera singing...