November 9, 2007

First Post

Mothering Madness, the blog that will allow you to realise that no matter what, your mothering madness is okay. I hope, through this blog, to let mothers across the globe know that their lives, and the problems they face, are perfectly normal. It is my goal to achieve this in a funny, warm-hearted way that is both entertaining and informative.

Fun tip: Laugh. A lot. The only other option you have is crying, and when did that help anyone?

Serious tip: Make sure to have time for you. If you're not looking after yourself and your needs, how can you expect to look after anybody else's?

1 comment:

Sara said...

I'm not a mother (though I want to be someday), but I've seen plenty, and the serious tip is one that should be taken to heart by all new mothers.

I look forward to reading more of your insights!