November 9, 2007

Nap time is my friend

So, nap time has finally settled on Casa Madness. It is, undoubtedly, one of my favourite times of day. I have a friend who feels a lot of guilt about enjoying her child's nap as much as her child does, but lap it up, I say.

I am now enjoying a cup of coffee that doesn't have to battle off curious, pudgey fingers (other than my own, naturally!) and eating a biscuit without the guilt of Not Sharing. In reality, I should be cleaning, for Hurricane Mini-M has devestated my lounge room, but for now I'm just enjoying my downtime.

Today, we have our first birthday of a child that has known Mini-M since they were born. Oh boy. A first birthday! Madness turns one next Friday, which is crazy as I swear I gave birth to him just last week. Didn't I? We bought Dimples a pair of comfy winter soft boots, which are going to look adorable on her, and I made her a little something for her to keep from us.

My husband, Big M, will pick me up after work, which is nice of him as it's raining. There will be cake. And pizza. And Other Mums. I will be in baby birthday heaven.

Fun tip: If you're in a relationship, and your partner works, nap time is the only time of the day you have entirely to yourself. Go wild! Let your hair down, invite all your friends over for a party, with booze, and tell them they better not break any windows and they better help you clean up before the baby wakes up! Which will happen in 2.5 seconds if they don't turn the music down.

Serious tip: Don't be shy in asking your child's friend (or, you know, their parents) what they'd like for their birthday. They know what would make the perfect present better than you do! And if you don't like the idea, then that's all right. Just ask for another.

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