November 13, 2007

For the Love of Colds

My house has been struck down with a cold. One particular cold, which causes much screaming around bed time, and broken naps that lead to grumpy afternoons.

Is it just me, or do these things hit exactly when you're at your most stressed? Do our stress levels, indeed, leak over on to our children and are they nature's pawns in this crazy game of chess we call life?

Whatever. Madness has a cold, I'll have to wax philosophical (and maybe make sense!) next week.

I was just brushing my teeth, and it took me about half an hour to take the cap off the Listerine bottle. As I was struggling with that tricky simultaneous push-twist-pull method of opening a bottle, I was mentally betting myself ten bucks that Madness would open this bottle in a jiffy. Then, he'd drink all the Listerine. Now, being a conscientious soul, I would naturally buy a jumbo bottle of Listerine, not the mini travel packs (with the even-more annoying lids!). Knowing Madness he would drink all of it in one gulp, and I would have to rush him to hospital (by foot, as I don't yet drive, and I would be running and trying not to flap my arms, for they would be full of Madness) to get his little baby stomach pumped and save the day.

Then, I would have a cigarette for the first time in 2-and-a-half years.

Who said baths were relaxing? I should have fallen asleep in this one, then I wouldn't have such crazy imaginings afterwards.

Fun Tip: Keep the Listerine open, to avoid frustrations, but up somewhere safe to avoid aforementioned Scary Scenario.

Serious Tip: You can do this. Nature has equipped you with the physical and mental strength, the willpower and most of all, the maternal instincts, required for doing exactly this job. If she hadn't, you'd be a man.


L'ex-pat said...

"If she hadn't, you'd be a man."

Hahahahaha. I'm sorry you've suffered, though.

Sara said...

"Do our stress levels, indeed, leak over on to our children"

I think they do, especially at a young age. You spend so much time with them, and much of your communication is non-verbal, so it only makes sense that they'd pick up on stuff like that.